The Statement Cuff

An online course

Learn what it takes to build a split shank Megalodon statement cuff. Take these lessons and apply them to any cabochon or flat-back style stone, and leave with the confidence to build your very own unique designs. No more dreaming, we’re here to do it.

I’m Absolutely In!

I went through the trial & error and now you don't have to

Seriously, it can take months. How do I know? Because that’s how long it took me to learn to do this. And now after years of honing my skill, I’m here to teach you all of that experience. I’ve grown so tired of seeing fellow makers struggle to get the results they desire- I won’t stand for it anymore! Inside of The Statement Cuff Course we will go over each step required to build your very own unique statement cuff, one step at a time. You will have a first person point of view, so not a single detail will be missed. If you’re looking to learn what it takes to create your dream cuff, allow me to be the first to welcome you in.

It’s Time To Make My Dream Cuff

In our 4 hours together, here's what you'll Experience

Questions Answered

I believe that this process is not one that’s easy to figure out. After completing this course, so many questions will be answered and things will finally make sense!

Creating in Real Time

Most of this content is shown in real time which will provide you with a realistic idea of how long certain processes take, crystalizing a realistic expectation around your own work.

Approachable Teaching

I think that we can take smithing very seriously. Inside you’ll hear encouraging words and reminders about how far you’ve come and all you’re learning.


You will be led one step at a time through the entire process of building a statement cuff from just wire and sheet metal. Start to finish, you and Me.

What You Get Inside

  • Four hours of detailed instructional video, and bonus content PDFs with links to all of the equipment and materials you'll need to complete this project (and setup your studio)
  • Written PDFs to accompany every section of the course- print these out to refer back to!
  • Lifetime access to the program so you can go at your own pace and revisit as many times as you'd like.
  • English subtitles for all video content.
  • Visual aid PDF to anchor in the stone setting education
  • First person perspective in all of the content

The Topics We Cover

  • All the materials to complete the project: my favorites, and suggestions on others
  • Bezel building with customized bezel height for organic-shaped stones
  • Adding decorative wire with hand-sawn cut outs
  • Large scale soldering
  • Filing, sanding, and refining
  • Large scale cuff shank building
  • Stone setting
  • Detailed polishing instruction
  • And SO much more (click the link to view all of the sections in the course)
I’m Here For This!

No Need to Compete for a View With First-person Perspective

With first person perspective, you'll see every step as though you were doing it with your own two hands. There aren't any fancy camera cuts or tons of angles leaving you wishing that you could zoom in. Inside of The Statement Cuff (and all of my courses) you are front and center without a single detail left unseen. I mean yes, my face is cute, but we're here to watch the work, not me (you can join me on Instagram for that)!

What Students Are Making

I Know How It Feels

It’s probably not too hard to imagine this, but go with me:

Bring yourself to a time when you were perusing the internet or social media and you came across a piece of jewelry that you LOVED. You immediately felt inspired to create something like it in your own unique vision. You have it all dreamed up in your head or drawn on paper - you’re ready to go, but suddenly you realize that you have no idea how to fabricate the piece into the 3D. You’re unsure of what steps to take to achieve the results you desire.

Maybe at this point you persevere and press forward. You find some success but overall you’re not satisfied with the result- there is more work to be done.

Maybe you continue to push until you discover the steps, or maybe you throw in the towel and leave the piece on the bench to get to at
another time

Have you been there?
Because I HAVE. More times than I care to count. Being a self-taught smith is not for the weak. It takes time, determination, and at most times-an iron will. I knew in my bones that I wanted to create statement cuffs. I saw them all over social media and I wanted in on it. But I’d never been taught

I found blips here and there on how to make stacker cuffs, but what about statements? What about making them in the style in which I *wanted* to make them?


I came up empty handed.

So I pushed. I played around with different methods, failed a lot, and continued to push. Until finally I got it.

After months of trying I had figured out how to make statement cuffs!
Now after years of making them, it’s time that I teach YOU.
Skip over the endless searches.
Skip over the hours of trial and error.
Save money on materials and join me inside to learn how it’s done.

Now other people will be perusing the internet and come across YOUR work and wonder “how did they DO that?”

Make Them Wonder

Here's Why the Statement Cuff Course is Different

If you’ve been around here for a little while you may have heard me say this before- The internet and google searches are a bottomless pit.

Something that I recently realized is that there are a lot of tidbits that you can find to begin learning (although not as many in-depth options). But when it comes time to learn how to make BIGGER pieces, or to create on-trend works, there really isn’t anything that can take you to the next level with clear step-by-step guidance...

The Statement Cuff Course is the only online content that I’ve seen of its kind.

Learning how to create a cuff like this took me months of trial and error:

  • How do you make a big cuff shank like that?
  • What’s the best wire to use?
  • How do you know how big to make it?

I learned all of these answers and so many more, and I’m sharing them ALL with you inside the course.

What about working with big shark’s teeth? Or shark’s teeth in general? Maybe you have no desire to ever include a shark’s tooth in any of your work!

This course is still for you.

I have *many* favorite sections within this content- one of them is teaching you how to customize your bezel height to fit all of those irregular, organic-shaped cabochons (or anything with a flat back that you can bezel-set for that matter).

I chose a Megalodon tooth of course because I’m the Shark Tooth Queen, but aside from that I selected it because they’re incredibly hard to work with!

The lessons taught with the shark tooth are concepts that you can use for any stone as you grow in your jewelry-making. Personally, I use the same skills constantly at my bench- shark tooth or not. A stone shape that nearly always needs a custom-height bezel is the teardrop/pear shape, and almost all cabs with a right angle. These lessons will make setting those stones a breeze!

Don’t know how to build bezels or set stones? We go over it in detail! The Statement Cuff Course is fully loaded with PDFs that explain each video teaching in further detail, there are visual aid PDFs to help anchor concepts, closed captions, an extensive and clickable tools and equipment list as well as materials list.

There has been no stone left unturned! This course will immediately offer a safe space to learn and grow your craft in a way that I haven’t seen duplicated.

You will have a first-person view of every step of the process from start to finish. I think that this feature alone makes this online container better than being in an in-person course. You won't need to compete for a view!

Yours to revisit again and again, I believe that The Statement Cuff Course is the perfect place to receive expert instruction in as close to a 1:1 setting as possible. The course is taught without fancy equipment and is easy for the self-taught smith to follow along and learn.

My favorite part? It’s lighthearted. Smithing should be fun, and I'm here to remind you of that every step the way.

I'm So In!

Ready To Join The Statement Cuff Course?
Here’s What You Get When You Enroll Today

The Statement Cuff Online Course $368
Lifetime access to the course and all updates$188
BONUS: PDF of tools, equipment, and materials $108
BONUS: Half off one 30 minute 1:1 zoom
meeting with Stephanie to ask all the questions!
BONUS: Soldering Cheat Sheet$22
BONUS: PDF of each lesson with further instruction (42 pages) $268
BONUS: Bezel Building Visual Aid$22

SUPER MEGA BONUS: 6 month wholesale trial at Rio Grande Jewelry Supply (if used well, this
bonus can pay for the entire course in itself)

TOTAL VALUE: over $1100


Enroll Me

A Look Inside The Syllabus

Here is the outline of the content that you will see within the 4 hours of The Statement Cuff online course:

1. Welcome

2. Bezel Building

  • Form the Bezel
  • Refine the Bezel

3. Adding Design Elements

  • Decorative Border

4. The Backplate

  • Stamping, Cutting,
    Soldering, and Sawing

5. Adding Decorative Cutouts

  • Sawing the Wire

6. Shank Building

  • Split Cuff Shank
  • Attaching the Shank

7. Add Dimension and Shine

  • Blacken and Tumble

8. Finishing

  • Stone Setting and Polishing

9. Closing- you did it!

10. Bonus Content

  • Build a Triple Split Cuff Shank (learn to stamp too!)
  • Cuff Forming Trick
  • Vinegar Pickle

What Saltwater &
Silver Alumni Are Saying

"Thank you for this Course. I learned a lot and will be making some magical wonderful Cuffs with this knowledge. I love the style and how you teach this. Thank you
so much!"

- Janina W

“Huge shoutout to you and The Statement Cuff Course. And thank you for the clarification the other day on the cuff. This is the piece I made and thought I would share it with you. I’m so thankful for each of the classes you have put out. They all have been extremely helpful and so worth the money.”

- Kristina

Make your dream cuff a reality


The Statement Cuff

one time payment

(payment plans available with Afterpay at checkout)

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Frequently Asked Questions

Make Your Art Known

This is it. There is truly no better time than now to give voice to your art. Don’t be held back by a lack of answers when they’re available right here at your fingertips. We need your vision. We need your art.

I’m Ready To Make My Art Known!

Interested In Learning More? Check Out Our Other Courses!

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